Occupational Health & Safety Audits

OHS Audits

A Health and Safety Compliance Certificate is more than just a document; it’s your business’s assurance of safety. This certificate demonstrates that your workplace complies with all legal standards outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. It signifies that you have established a safe environment for everyone on site.

How can you obtain an OHS Certificate? The first step is a Health and Safety Compliance Audit. Hazchemwize performs these audits to identify hazards and assess risks that may pose dangers to employees or visitors. We also evaluate existing safety controls to determine their effectiveness in protecting everyone involved. The audit goes beyond a simple checklist; it provides actionable insights.

Utilise the audit to identify areas for improvement, work toward certification, or monitor your safety program’s progress toward compliance. These audits are not just about meeting regulations; they are a critical component of a robust safety management system that ensures the safety of your team and the compliance of your business. At Hazchemwize, we believe that a thorough safety audit is not just beneficial; it’s essential!

Additional Health & Safety Services

In addition to Occupational Health and Safety Audits, Hazchemwize offers related services based on the audit outcomes. These include:

Once a company successfully passes a Health and Safety Audit, we will issue a Health and Safety Compliance Certificate.

For more information about our services, please call us at 0861 429 2436 or complete the inquiry form below, and we will get in touch with you.

Book an Audit

For more information about OHS Safety Audits, please call us at 0861 429 2436 or email info@hazchemwize.co.za

Alternatively, complete the enquiry form below.  

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