Full Vehicle Compliance

Safety Signs & Equipment Suppliers

Any dangerous goods being transported as per SANS 10228 must be done so in a Hazchem Compliant vehicle that is fitted with the correct safety signs and safety equipment as legislated.

There are various aspects to a dangerous goods-compliant vehicle, all of which differ depending on what substances you are transporting.

View examples of some of the required safety signage and safety equipment that is generally required.

  • Battery isolator switch
  • Enclosed battery cover (exterior batteries)
  • Prescribed safety signage (No smoking, No naked flame, etc…)
  • DCP Fire extinguishers and quick-release brackets
  • Transport emergency cards (Or Tremcards)
  • Document holder
  • Municipal transport permit
  • Danger warning diamond
  • Placards (x 3)
hazchem compliance

Dangerous Goods Vehicle Fitments

HAZCHEMWIZE supplies and equips vehicles with the prescribed signage and equipment to vehicles to allow them to successfully pass a vehicle compliance inspection at the relevant local authority.

(Note: Operators must ensure that they register/re-register their vehicle/s correctly as a “Category D” vehicle at their relevant License Department and must display the correct Operator Card on the windscreen to this effect)

Dangerous Goods Truck Compliance

Dangerous Goods Vehicle Compliance

Hazchemwize is the industry leader in vehicle compliance in South Africa. Our vast knowledge and experience enable us to fit vehicles with the correct safety signage and equipment and have you back on the road within a few short hours.

For more information about Hazchem Vehicle Compliance and booking your vehicle into a Hazchemwize fitment centre, please complete our online enquiry form or call us on 0861 429 2436.

The transporting of dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals in South Africa is strictly regulated by the Department of Transport. Vehicle compliance is structured around the National Road Traffic Act and the various South African National Standards (SANS Codes).

The compliance specifications below are based on SANS Codes of Practice (SANS 1518 and SANS 10231) for vehicles conveying dangerous goods.


When transporting dangerous goods, it is a requirement that Tremcard is present in the vehicle that is transporting those dangerous goods. The Tremcard will detail what is being transported and how to be treated in an emergency.

Dangerous Goods Driver Training

We also offer the prescribed “Dangerous Goods Training” course (SAQA Unit Standard 123259 “Convey Dangerous Goods by Road“. Please view further information on this and other related dangerous goods training courses here:


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